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JSON Toolkit Online

Open, parse, format, search, and query JSON with ease

Easily manage your JSON data with powerful tools to open, parse, format, search, and query. Streamline your workflow and simplify complex JSON tasks all in one platform.

Open JSON file

Quickly open your .json file online

Open JSON file from your computer
Drag and drop
Paste from clipboard
Open JSON File Demo Image

JSON parser/validator

Instantly parse and validate your JSON data online

Validate your JSON data
Convert your JSON data into object
JSON parser/validator Demo Image

JSON formatter/viewer

Format and view your JSON data

Format your JSON data into a hierarchical tree
Easily navigate through your JSON data
Expand or collapse sections of your JSON data
JSON formatter/viewer Demo Image

JSON Search

Search and find specific elements within your JSON data

Find any value in your JSON file
Return all results immediately
JSON Search Demo Image

JSON Query

Query specific data in your JSON file using the path

Enter and save your JSON path in the query
Instantly receive query results when opening the JSON file
JSON Query Demo Image